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Pass the TOEIC Test Intermediate(with MP3 + Key audio scripts)




  • 《Pass the TOEIC Test Intermediate(with MP3 + Key audio scripts)》

    Pass the TOEIC Test is a thoroughly comprehensive, authentic,
    and up-to-date preparation course for the TOEIC test. Ideal for
    self-study or class use, the course builds confidence and boosts
    test scores for students on the Listening and Reading sections
    of the TOEIC test.

    Key features
    V over 1,500 high-quality practice items
    V clear, step-by-step skills development
    V effective test-taking strategies
    V preview tests and full-length review tests for each part
    V regular MiniTests assess performance at every stage
    V full-length Listening Comprehension Test and Reading Test
    V Grammar and Vocabulary sections focus on language use
    V two complete PracticeTests for reliable assessment

    V complete Audio Program on MP3
    V detailed Answer Key and full Audioscript
    V Essential Vocabulary with over 500 key words and phrases
    V useful accent recognition exercises
    V website support with free activities for students and teachers
    V unique access code giving two free online Practice Tests





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